20 April, 2023

Year 8 Hungarian Trip

Year 8 Hungarian trip to Gödöllő
Year 8 Hungarian Trip

In the Hungarian History lessons, Year 8 students have been learning about the dualist era and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. On 19th April, we visited the Royal Palace of Gödöllő because this place used to be King Franz Joseph’s and Queen Elisabeth’s favourite summer residence in Hungary. The palace is one of the most important, largest monuments of Hungarian palace architecture which was given to the royal couple as a coronation gift from the country in 1867. Through different activities, our students learnt a lot about the members of the royal family, about the personnel and about everyday life in the royal court.  


What students learnt:


The decoration of the ball room was made out of plaster and painted gold. - Szofi


Franz Joseph's eldest son, Rudolph was never crowned as he died at a young age. - Márk


Women in the 19th century wore very tight corsets, even when riding a horse. The corset was made out of whalebone. - Enzo


Franz Josehp had 15 grandchildren. - Donát 


Old tile stoves were lit from behind, from a corridor in the wall. - Máté


Blanka Langó

Hungarian Teacher