31 March, 2023



Want to bridge the divide? Want to make some new friends? Want to eat some good food? JOIN MODEL UN.

The MUN team of 7 took off for the BISB MUN 2023 themed “Bridging the Divide” on the 27th of March, ready to discuss relevant issues ranging from genetic engineering to human trafficking. On the 1st day, the team explored the beautiful streets of Bratislava and enjoyed a delicious meal, preparing and filling up their stomachs for an eventful Day 2. The next day, the team enjoyed their first day of conference getting to meet their fellow delegates and now new friends as well as immersing themselves in their countries’ positions & policies. Now, for the fun part! To cool down after a heated day of discussions, we enjoyed a fun gala dinner and danced our (new BISBr) socks off. On the last day, we saw quality resolutions passed and much-deserved awards given to our delegates!

For our award winners:

  1. Julianna Kutas for the Best Delegate in World Health Organization (WHO) as the United States of America
  2. Calliope Tulea for Honorable Mention in the World Health Organization (WHO) as Switzerland
  3. Sanvi Sharma for the Best Delegate in the Human Rights Council (HRC) as the United Kingdom

From the delicious food to the fruitful debates, we can definitely say that we had a great time!

MUN Executive Board