03 March, 2023

Year 13 Hungarian trip

Year 13 Hungarian trip

A great part of the year 13 syllabus is contemporary and 20th century literature. However, “the past must be acknowledged” - Jozsef Attila. This is what inspired our very difficult and intense day with the year 13 Hungarian Literature group in the Holocaust Museum and the House of Terrors. After reading the works of Miklós Miklós Radnóti, Jenő Rejtő, Antal Szerb and George Faludy, the museums could help us interpret and live through their works even better.

“Visiting the House of Terrors let me better understand George Faludy’s living conditions in prison, which we read about in his book, ‘My Happy Days in Hell.’” (Ádám)

“Reading about the individual experiences of people who survived the concentration camps gave us a deeper insight into the true brutality of WWII.” (Szoni)

“The Holocaust Museum allowed us to gain valuable insight on this part of History.” (Bálint)

“Visiting the Holocaust Museum and the House of Terrors allowed me to compare the literary works we studied to other people experiences, which made me realize that the background didn’t matter if you were the enemy of the current regime you suffered in ‘Hell’.” (Milán)

Anna Piry

Head of Hungarian