17 March, 2023

KARMUN conference

KARMUN conference

Our Model United Nations team had an enjoyable and successful time at the KARMUN conference at Karinthy Frigyes Bilingual school. They joined approximately 300 delegates from across the world simulating the workings and protocols of the United Nations. Our students demonstrated a deep understanding of the world of diplomacy, debate, current affairs, and intercultural relations. They built many positive relationships with other likeminded students. 

The delegates also won:

In Security Council, the best delegate was Daniel Lehoczky
In ECOSOC, the runner up for best delegate was Orsomie Morayo Momoh (Hungary)
In DISEC, the runner up for best delegate was Calliope Tuleas (Germany)
In Security Council, the runner up for best delegate was JULIANNA KUTAS (Syria)
In the UN women, committee the runner up for best delegate was Sanvi Sharma (USA)
In WHO runner up for best delegate was Deshika Satya (Italy)

BISB MUN Executive Board