17 March, 2023

IB Visual Arts Exhibition

IB Visual Arts Exhibition

The IB Visual Arts exhibition took place in Obuda Cultural Centre on Friday 10th March. I would like to congratulate our 6 artists who have worked hard to produce a diverse collection of concepts, techniques and points of view within their work.  The collections they have produced represents their varied viewpoints when exploring issues such as identity, social change, consumerism, and environmentalism. 

The students have supported each of their journeys as artists and designers, by offering constructive feedback to each other. A number of the students will continue to pursue art related courses at university, and will continue to pursue their creativity as innovative architects and illustrators of the future. They are inquirers, explorers and risk-takers who have grown into visual communicators with messages worth contemplating.”


Jacqueline Ferguson

Head of Art


“Through the IB visual arts process we have discovered that art can connect us beyond any language and cultural barriers, creating a shared humanity within our class. By sharing our works with each other,  during discussions, and receiving critical feedback, we were able to challenge our initial perspectives. We often encouraged and helped each other with experimentation allowing us to develop skills for various media and techniques. From traditional paintings to digital art and 3D modelling, all artworks represent a unique approach to the creative process through which we have explored personal experiences, cultural identities, and the world around us.

The works on display in this exhibition not only show our hard work but also our growth as artists throughout this program. We hope that as viewers you can engage and connect with these works. This exhibition invites you to see the world through new eyes, to explore our personal expression, acting as a testament to our creativity and passion for this subject.”


June Hee Kim and Lili Casson