10 March, 2023

Year 10 Service Learning Action Week

Service learning week
Year 10 Service Learning Action Week

This week, Year 10 have been showcasing their Service-learning projects on the theme of supporting the unhoused. 10 Discovery created an advocacy documentary including an interview with a representative from local charity Budapest Bike Maffia and compared the Chores for Charity auction fundraiser – a combined effort across the Year 10 tutor groups in which a selection of student volunteers offered themselves as classroom helpers in the name of charity. 10 Calypso organised a charity chess tournament, 10 Endeavour ran a hygiene product donation drive and bakesale fundraiser, and 10 Kontiki finished the week with a raffle in aid of the Menhely Foundation to raise awareness of the street magazine it publishes created by unhoused contributors. Overall, a very successful week – congratulations to Year 10 and in particular our project managers for their leadership of the week.

Learning For Rights: Participation and Action is one of the strands of the Social Impact Award through which children are empowered to enjoy and exercise their rights and to promote the rights of others, using this as a foundation for widening their Social Impact and working towards the global goals. Service-learning helps develop the key drivers of wellbeing: social connectedness, gratitude, autonomy, and feelings of competence. Additional benefits include improved attitudes to self, school, learning and community and the development of critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence. Year 9 will be working on their Service-learning projects throughout term three and will be showcasing them towards the end of the year.

Rachel Rhodes

English Teacher, Social Impact Lead and CAS Coordinator

NAE-UNICEF Social Impact Regional Lead Europe