10 March, 2023

Hungarian literary walk

Hungarian literary walk

"This past year, as a Hungarian class we have had the rare opportunity to take a look into the every-day life of the poets, authors, and artists who we had learned about during class. The subject of our latest ‘literary walk’ was the phenomenal Hungarian poet, Attila József. First we visited the museum dedicated to his life, located in the building-complex at Gát u. 3, where the poet was born in 1905. After inspecting the hand-written work of the poet and listening to anecdotes from his life, we visited an assortment of the places where the poet had grown up, composed, and had made significant memories. While at these locations, we gained deeper insight into the poet’s life by reading and discussing extracts from both historians and his family and friends. We concluded our trip at his commemorating statue next to the Parliament, sitting on steps overlooking the river, while listening to a recitation of his famous poem, ‘ ‘At the Danube’. As both a group and team, we continue to thoroughly enjoy and look forward to the monthly Hungarian trips and the opportunity to accurately imagine the pivotal moments we study about." (Juli Kutas)