10 March, 2023

English Themed Week

English themed week

English themed week began on Monday, February 27th. It was an exhilarating week, culminating in World Book Day and our seventh ever Boscars Awards Ceremony. The latter was officiated by the inimitable Mrs Amy Murphy, and we were honoured to have film-maker Viktoria Szeremedy award the prize for Best Film and speak passionately about the importance of following one's dreams. Congratulations to the students who made the award winning films in the following categories:

Best Sound: Workdogs or the Pursuit of Freedom

Best Editing: How to Make a Film

Best Film: Lost

Congratulations also go to Diana Komlos who won the hotly contested Spelling Bee. The atmosphere in the atrium was electric as she spelt out the winning word: nonchalant.

Other highlights of the week include blackout poetry, speed dating a book and mini sagas. Congratulations to the winners of the latter.


Joanna Leach

On behalf of the English department.