16 November, 2023

Trees Planted by Change Makers

Trees Planted by Change Makers - Trees Planted by Change Makers

We did it! We planted the trees!

The house teams raised enough money to get 8 trees, two for each house colour.

We planted 4 different kinds of trees; Hornbeam, Red Thorn, Japanese Katsura and American Red Gum.

We helped plant the trees, and found out lots of interesting and new facts, such as this is the best time to plant certain trees and that the trees need better soil to develop their roots and grow, so the soil was mixed with manure [cow poop] and compost before we put the trees in the ground. Also, the gardeners were really nice and answered all of our questions.

Thank you to everyone who donated money and helped make all this possible!


By Dorka & Bella [Y6]