16 November, 2023

Mini Changemakers

Mini Changemakers - Mini Changemakers

Mini Change Makers CCA  are working on a project to help Reduce, Reuse and Recycle the paper that is used in our school.

Last week Ms. Zsuzsa Szemerey, our school Operations Manager visited our meeting and we discussed what items can be recycled. We took part in an activity to sort out waste items into  Paper, Plastic and Metal, Compost and General waste. Thank You Ms. Zsuzsa for helping us!

There have been changes to the recycling rules and we are currently investigating what exactly can be placed in the paper recycling bins. To answer our questions we are hoping to have  a representative from the Recycling Centre visit us in school.

We have questions such as:  

Can paper with paint on be recycled?

Which bin do the milk and apple juice cartons go in? 

Please do get in touch with us if you are interested in helping us with our recycling paper project. 


Dawn Ronaszeki, Victor Holeczy and Bell Bertalan