16 November, 2023

Juilliard Dance Soup Project

Juilliard Dance Soup Project - Juilliard Dance Soup Project

Alongside our Performing Arts Evening with Year 11 on Wednesday 15th November, some of our KS3 students were also filming their ‘Dance Soup Project’, as part of one of our Juilliard initiatives. They were asked to create a Dance Soup Recipe which allowed them to work collaboratively to experiment, substitute ingredients, and try alternative techniques. With the guidance of Liz Sweales, one of our external dance providers the students planned the presentation of the soup, ensuring all of their ingredients blended perfectly, whilst considering their transitions. Watch their final performance to see the fantastic outcome of their project. Students who wish to get involved in further dance activities should sign-up in January through our CCA programme ‘Youth dance Company’. This is a paid activity and rehearsals take place after-school on a Wednesday. A huge well done to our students and Liz for their fantastic Juilliard Soup Performance. 

Sarah James
Director of Performing Arts