08 November, 2023

Movember Week 1

Movember Week 1 - Movember Week 1

The Mo Bros and Sistas of BISB have continued their journey to raise funds and awareness for Movember over the last week. The tag line of ''Whatever you grow saves a Bro'' has encouraged our Mo Bros and Sistas to persist through a challenging week. Here is the ''1 Week Mo'' update of the Mo Bros and Sistas of BISB: 

 Movember Week 1 - Movember Week 1

Movember is an annual event which aims to raises funds and awareness for men's health issues, specifically men related cancers, men's mental health issues and men's suicide. Movember involves growing (or otherwise sporting) moustaches during the month as a visual reminder of the importance of these issues.


Thank you for your donations, support and interest in the Movember campaign so far. You can find details of the ''Mo Bros of BISB'' on the official Movember website: https://uk.movember.com/team/2374630

David Kennedy
Teacher of Science