03 February, 2023

Year 8 Service-learning Action Week

Hedgehog hotel
Year 8 Service-learning Action Week

This week, Year 8 have been showcasing their Service-learning projects on the theme of helping the environment thrive. From wildlife hotels to hedgehog awareness activities and sustainability drives, they have been busy looking at how we can reduce our impact on the environment and act more sustainably. Learning For Rights: Participation and Action is one of the strands of the Social Impact Award through which children are empowered to enjoy and exercise their rights and to promote the rights of others, using this as a foundation for widening their Social Impact and working towards the global goals. Service-learning helps develop the key drivers of wellbeing: social connectedness, gratitude, autonomy, and feelings of competence. Additional benefits include improved attitudes to self, school, learning and community and the development of critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence.

Year 10 are also working on their Service-learning projects and will be showcasing them later this term.

Service learning

Rachel Rhodes
English Teacher / Social Impact Lead and CAS coordinator