17 February, 2023

Boat designing

Boat designing

Year 2 Ocean have been testing materials to design a boat. We started by testing different materials to see which ones would float and were strong enough to hold weight. Then we tested the materials over time and designed our boats, planning which materials we would use. Then we finally made our boats. We tested them to see how fast they were and how strong they were. The first test involved adding a string with a weight at the end of it to pull the boats through the water. We timed them to see which one was the most hydrodynamic. Then we added weight to the boats to see which could hold the most weight before sinking. We were surprised to learn that the boat made out of grease-proof paper held the most weight and did not sink under over 1000 cubes! We discussed why we thought we got the results we got and thought about what we would do differently if we were to run the experiment again.

Michelle Simons

Year 2 Ocean Teacher