Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 December, 2022

Year 6 YES project 2022

Year 6 YES project 2022 | BISB - year-6-yes-project
Year 6 YES project Last week, the Year 6 YES fair took place in the atrium.

Last week, the Year 6 YES fair took place in the atrium. We had 13 groups selling a variety of products ranging from mugs to puzzles to bath bombs to Christmas decorations. Eager parents supported us, interested staff and excited students from Years 4 and 5 to purchase the student-made items.

Having been part of this project for the last nine years, I think this was a record-breaking sell-out! Everything was bought very quickly, and the Year 6 students have made a massive 277,000 HUF profit which will be donated to our Year 6 charity, the II. Sz. Gyermekgyógyászati hospital. This week, we bring the project to a close with presentations by the groups sharing their experiences of being business entrepreneurs. Thank you to everyone who helped make this a success.

Lesley McDonald

Year 6 Amber Teacher