Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 November, 2022

Junior Changemakers Mark World Children’s Day

Junior Changemakers Mark World Children’s Day This week has been particularly busy in the primary school. To celebrate World Children’s Day 2022, there have been several different activities organised by the Junior Changemakers.

Junior Changemakers Mark World Children’s Day

This week has been particularly busy in primary school. To celebrate World Children’s Day 2022, there have been several different activities organised by the Junior Changemakers. Firstly, we have taken the opportunity to appreciate Article 31 of the UN Convention of the Rights of a Child, which states the right to rest and play. With this in mind, the older students have been playing with the children in the lower year groups in a special ‘playdate’ where the younger students have led play activities. This has been a lovely opportunity for students to engage with one another in a ‘play based’ situation. The younger children loved playing with older students and getting them involved with different games from Lego to chess to painting to imaginative play.

The Junior Changemakers have also visited the Early Years children to play with them in the garden and enjoy spending time together.

On Thursday, we marked this special occasion by wearing blue. It was an impressive sight to see so many children wearing this colour around school. Thursday also saw extra games at playtime organised by a group of Changemakers. Finally, on Friday we celebrated with some extra playtime in our playground, as students were reminded in assembly that not all children around the world can enjoy this opportunity.

Thank you to everyone who has helped mark this very special occasion, we are very lucky here at BISB to enjoy play and the wonderful playground equipment we have here, so please spare a moment to think about children around the world who are not quite so fortunate.


Lesley McDonald

Year 6 Amber Teacher