Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 November, 2022

Wear blue day

Wear blue day Next Thursday, November 24th, we are encouraging all students to wear blue to show their support for UNICEF and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as part of our World Children’s Day activities.

Next Thursday, November 24th, we are encouraging all students to wear blue to show their support for UNICEF and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as part of our World Children’s Day activities. Primary will be focusing on Article 31: The Right to Play with some play-based activities organised by our Junior Changemakers and Secondary students will be attending workshops led by our Year 13 student leaders to evaluate BISB students’ efforts towards the Global Goals and identify the next steps, connected to Article 12: Respect for Children’s views.

Rachel Rhodes

English Teacher / Social Impact Lead and CAS coordinator