Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 October, 2022

Second Hungarian Literary walk

Second Hungarian Literary walk On the 14th of October, our IB literary walks club took its second trip related to the Hungarian poet Ady Endre.

On the 14th of October, our IB literary walks club took its second trip related to the Hungarian poet Ady Endre. We started in Lónyay utca 18, at the editorial office of the ‘Nyugat’ (West) magazin where Ady usually published his poems. We also went all the way to Ulloi ut 21, to the apartment of another poet, Dezso Kosztolanyi, a dear friend and of Ady’s.

Although there are no trees on Ulloi ut today, at the end of the 19th century there still were, which were the sources of inspiration for Kosztolányi’s poem “Ulloi road trees” which we read as well. We continued at Ady’s other contemporary friend Babits Mihaly’s apartment at Reviczky utca 7, and onto Veres Palne utca 4, where Ady lived with his wife Csinszka.

Here, we read one of his beautiful poems he wrote to his wife. We visited Ady’s favourite coffee shop on Andrassy ut, where unfortunately we could only see a plaque, as a Louis Vuitton store currently stands in its place. Our trip finished at Liszt Ferenc square at the Ady statue. 


Anna Piry
Head of Hungarian