Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 October, 2022

Junior Changemakers' Habitat day

Junior Changemakers' Habitat day To celebrate the United Nations World Habitat Day earlier this week, the Junior Changemakers, one of our Social Impact CCAs, headed into the woods to discover some of the creatures who live in this habitat.

Did you know that Woodlands support thousands, probably millions, of insects and invertebrates that live among the leaves, under bark, in dead wood and on the woodland floor? To celebrate the United Nations World Habitat Day earlier this week, the Junior Changemakers, one of our Social Impact CCAs, headed into the woods to discover some of the creatures who live in this habitat. While taking part in an activity exploring this environment, the students also had a chance to appreciate and discuss the complexity of habitats and how they must be in balance to support the wildlife who live there. Many different animals were spotted as well as an abundance of fungi, a sign that the season is changing.


Junior Changemakers

Lesley McDonald

Year 6 Amber Teacher