Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 June, 2022

Roots and Shoots Elderflower Lemonade Sale

Roots and Shoots Elderflower Lemonade Sale Last Friday, Roots and Shoots held their sale of homemade elderflower lemonade, made from the elderflowers picked in Kiscelli woods.

Last Friday, Roots and Shoots held their sale of homemade elderflower lemonade, made from the elderflowers picked in Kiscelli woods. It was wonderful weather to enjoy a cup outside, even if a sudden gust almost blew away our stock.

We made sure to use reusable cups and refill sikviz (fizzy water) to make our product zero waste. We raised 15,000 HUF to add to the funds for the humanitarian crisis. Our Roots and Shoots Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) encourages and develops student leadership skills through ecological and environmental projects while helping our students to cultivate responsibility and global citizenship for a sustainable future.


Kate Bayford

Geography Teacher / Roots and Shoots Co-ordinator