Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
08 June, 2022

Year 8 Service-Learning Action Week

MicrosoftTeamsimage 32
Year 8 Service-Learning Action Week Year 8 has been learning about urban biodiversity and exploring the theme of helping the environment thrive.

Year 8 has been learning about urban biodiversity and exploring the theme of helping the environment thrive. Their learning informed the awareness raising games event in the atrium that they organised and their visit to Kiscelli woods to conduct action research for a forest clean up project. 

The proactivity and responsibility with which many students approached their Service-learning projects this year has been inspiring, and the leadership of our student project managers particularly impressive. Service-learning empowers young people to be change leaders. It cultivates the key drivers of wellbeing and can enhance attitudes to self, school, learning and community, as well as nurturing critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence. Our Service-learning Action Weeks showcase our students' motivation, enthusiasm and skillet for leading and coordinating positive change and engaging proactively with issues of global significance. 


Rachel Rhodes

Social Impact Lead