Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
06 May, 2022

Early Years Trip to Kopaszi-gát

Early Years Trip to Kopaszi-gát

The Red Group and Yellow Group had a fantastic field trip to Kopaszi-gát on Monday! They travelled by bus, sat on the steps for a picnic overlooking the water and then walked to the very end of Kopaszi-gát to play on the beach and in the shallow waters of the river.

The students played with toy boats, made dens, dug their own river systems and enjoyed cooking and camping role-play. After lots of open-ended play, they sat together for a picnic lunch. Thank you to the school kitchen for providing this! The groups then walked back along a wooden walkway above the river and observed kayaks and boats travelling by.

To finish this wonderful morning out, they stopped at Veranda Cafe for ice cream. Thank you to Veranda Cafe for their kind hospitality to this group of ice cream enthusiasts! Back at school, the students drew and wrote about their experiences in their Play Story drawings and watched videos and looked at photos to reflect on their riverside play. This was a new field trip for Early Years at BISB and it was well worth all of the hard work, site checking, and planning from the Early Years staff! 


Emma Pickering

Early Years Leader