Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 March, 2022

Early Years Fruit Kebabs

Early Years Fruit Kebabs The Early Years Red Group had an exciting trip to the local market to buy fruit. This is connected to their interest in the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'.

The Early Years Red Group had an exciting trip to the local market to buy fruit. This is connected to their interest in the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'.

The children re-read the story, discussed which fruits the caterpillar ate and planned a shopping list before setting off to the market. At the market, they counted out the fruit into re-usable bags to ensure we shopped sustainably.

During the shopping trip, the group used their Hungarian skills to greet and thank the market assistant. Back at school, the group made fruit kebabs for a snack. For this, they chopped their own fruit to thread onto skewers to support them with fine motor skill development. 


Emma Pickering

Early Years Leader