Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 February, 2022

Enrichment Week 2022

BISB Enrichment Week
Enrichment Week 2022 I am writing with some exciting news about the Enrichment Week  (Monday 13th June to Friday 17th June) for all students in Year 7-10 this year.

I am writing with some exciting news about the Enrichment Week (Monday 13th June to Friday 17th June) for all students in Year 7-10 this year.

In line with Covid-19 protocols, we aim to offer a full offsite residential programme within Hungary. Plans are well underway with the idea that each full-year group will be based in a different area within the country. 

As usual, the residentials will be carefully organised to include a wide array of educational, cultural and recreational activities spanning over a 5 day / 4 night period away from school.

Please expect further information about the arrangements for these residentials after the February break.


Kevin Swaine

Co-Curricular Learning Coordinator