Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 February, 2022

Year 7 Food Web Systems

Year 7 Food Web Systems Food webs are complicated arrangements of plants and animals showing the movement of energy within an ecosystem.

Food webs are complicated arrangements of plants and animals showing the movement of energy within an ecosystem. Plants (producers) make ‘food’ from sunlight, while animals (consumers) eat those plants, and other animals, moving the energy through the system.

To show how complicated a food web could be, Year 7 became part of a very complex one. Each student chose to be a producer or consumer, and we connected them with string to show this energy movement.

We then looked at specific areas of the web and removed an animal/plant to see the effect on the whole system, ultimately trying to gain an understanding that everything is important in the habitat.


Kirk Wootton

Science/Chemistry Teacher / Form Tutor for Year 12 Calypso