Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 February, 2022

Year 9 Film Unit and Boscars Awards

Year 9 Film Unit and Boscars Awards Since returning to school from the winter break, Year 9 English students have been working in small groups on a documentary film unit that will culminate in the 4-minute documentary they produce being entered into our own Boscars competition.

Since returning to school from the winter break, Year 9 English students have been working in small groups on a documentary film unit that will culminate in the 4-minute documentary they produce being entered into our own Boscars competition. The awards ceremony, hosted by Mr Allan, will take place on Thursday, March 3rd and the winners in the categories of Best Film, Best Sound and Best Editor will be announced. 

It has been with great pride that the Year 9 teachers have observed the process that our students have gone through to produce an end product that takes on a Global Issue of their choice that can be also felt and observed at a local level. Teachers have commented on the maturity, resilience and enthusiasm that all of the groups have brought to researching, shooting and editing their documentaries.

The project itself, we believe, embodies the best of what our school strives for and offers in terms of values and opportunities. By exploring global issues, students have thought about and engaged with Sustainable Development Goals; by making mistakes and facing challenges, they have learned resilience and the importance of what they can learn through failure; by working together, and interacting with different sections of the school community they have learned to collaborate and work with people in new contexts; they have found their own voices and have learned to listen to, and tell the stories of others. 

Emily in Year 9 said this: "This has been a great opportunity and experience. We have been able to explore a topic of our choice and learn all about it which has been really interesting and challenging. It has been fabulous to work collaboratively with my peers and let my creative juices flow to create something that I haven't really done before. I will be sad when this project is over. Although I know the process is more important than the end product, I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished and the challenges we have overcome."

Thanks to all those who have been so generous with their time and ideas in supporting the students. The English Department and Year 9 students very much appreciate it. 


Joanna Leach

Head of English