Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 November, 2021

Year 4 Visit to Aquincum

Year 4 Visit to Aquincum  Last week, to help start our new topic on The Romans, Year 4 students visited the old Roman town of Aquincum.

Last week, to help start our new topic on The Romans, Year 4 students visited the old Roman town of Aquincum. During our trip, each of the classes was treated to a fabulous and informative guided tour of the ruins.

We saw fascinating relics of Budapest’s Roman past and heard lots of information about the town and what Roman life was like almost 2000 years ago. Some of what we saw at Aquincum included: a private bath including the impressive hypocaust (underfloor heating system), the aqueduct which brought in freshwater, an original mosaic and the markets! Following the tour, each class had the opportunity to participate in some Roman type crafts. Some classes made mosaics, while others made a Roman-style purse. The whole trip was a great way to help introduce our new topic and helped to set the scene and context for our future learning about the Romans!


Steve Catalinac

Year 4 Plum Teacher