Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 May, 2021

Secondary House Rounders Tournament

Secondary House Rounders Tournament

Bam! The crack of a bat against a ball reverberates across the BISB campus echoed by the cheer of an enthusiastic crowd. Friday last week saw the culmination of the inaugural House Rounders tournament. Spirits were higher than the rain gauge and there were some outstanding performances.

The finals saw the following teams compete:


Year 7 and 8 Final: Calypso Vs Kontiki

Year 9, 10 and 12 Final: Calypso Vs Endeavour 


Congratulations to Calypso for a clean sweep in both finals. Year 9, 10 and 12 matches saw outstanding performances from all players. A special mention to the student leadership team and the indomitable cheerleading team of Lydia, Anira and Nikolett. 

We saw some fantastic playing and support during the Year 7 and 8 matches. I want to single out the brave souls who were the lonely representatives of Endeavour and Discovery, but soldiered on bravely nevertheless. 

Everyone had a lot of fun and we are looking forward to the rematch next year.


Jay Koulaouzos

Year 12