Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
06 May, 2021

Kinetic Art CCA

Kinetic Art Club 2
Kinetic Art CCA

Please enjoy a short article written by one of our Year 7 students Tiffani McGillivray, portraying what they did in Kinetic Art CCA during Term 2.

Kinetic Art is a great CCA and I believe every school should have this fantastic club available. In Kinetic Art, not only do we enjoy some fun with art, we also learn about science and kinetic energy. These two topics link together in experiments we have carried out, such as the Jelly Bear sine wave, my personal favourite.

This experiment uses Jelly Bears or any jelly candies that are all about the same size, strong tape and sticks. We put them together to create a sine wave. We also did some other, artistic yet scientific, experiments such as stick bombs. In this case, longer and wider ice lolly sticks are preferable. We discovered this by failing on the first try. From this experience, we improved our method and used wider lollypop sticks.

We had one student who was particularly talented in stick bombs, Bence Szabo in Year 7, who came to the rescue! By failing you only learn to do better the next time. Everyone fails, and failure is the key to success. Our CCA is all about having fun as Ms Ferguson would say every lesson, but it's not just about that.

It's about the community and the amount of effort we all put in. We even continued our CCA during the lockdown. This took a lot of patience and perseverance, but we still managed to have productive, effective and entertaining Teams calls.  

Our next project will harness the energy from the wind.


Tiffani McGillivray 

Year 7