Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 February, 2021

U14 Girls' Basketball Match Results

U14 Girls' Basketball Match Results

On Monday 22nd February BISB hosted the first U14 Girls' Basketball match of the 2021 season. The squad formed two teams: The Black Panthers and The Velociraptors. They played a closely fought match with The Velociraptors emerging victorious: the final score finishing at a nail-biting 26-21. 

Both teams displayed strong discipline in defence. They made fast, well-executed attacking plays, making good use of both outside shooting and penetrating layups. 

Congratulations to all the girls who took part in this match. Spectators were witness to fantastic resilience, sportsmanship and team spirit on both sides. 

We look forward to the next basketball event on Saturday 6th March: the 3X3 Festival.


Hannah Crawley

Head of Physical Education