Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 January, 2021

Year 5 Wave Heart Dissection

Year 5 Wave Heart Dissection

As part of our Healthy Habits topic, Year 5 Wave had a special lesson on Tuesday dissecting goose hearts. Ms Catallo, one of our Secondary biology teachers, kindly organised the dissection for all of Year 5. Children worked in pairs methodically cutting open the hearts to understand how this muscle works.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were excited by the hands-on activity, which helped them to appreciate the wonder of the double circulatory system.


Antonia - "I was interested by how hard the heart was when we touched it. I didn’t know that a heart has fat around it."

Antonio - "I will never forget the feeling of a heart and how strong it was at the bottom of the heart. I was surprised about how the blood vessels looked so much like tree branches expanding and expanding. The two biggest blood vessels at the top of the heart were partly filled with dried blood and we couldn't fit our fingers through."

Aron - "I learnt today the heart is not making a pumping sound but it is making the sound from the valves."

Marcel - "I enjoyed dissecting a goose heart and I was surprised by how thick the left side was and how thin the right side was."

Mona - "I enjoyed today because it was fun to see the goose’s heart and the different blood vessels."

Nora -"I enjoyed this day, it was interesting to see a heart and seeing the different blood vessels and looking at which side is stronger."

Tian - "I was so surprised by the goose heart because the goose’s heart was big and its muscle was really strong."


James Payn

Year 5 Teacher