Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
01 June, 2018

Volcanic eruption in Year 8 Science class!

Volcanic eruption in Year 8 Science class!

This term for Science in Year 8, the students have completed the topic on 'The Earth' where they learned about rock formation and the different types of rocks, also about weathering and the rock cycle.

Volcanic eruption in Year 8 Science class! This term for Science in Year 8, the students have completed the topic on 'The Earth' where they learned about rock formation and the different types of rocks, also about weathering and the rock cycle.

This term for Science in Year 8, the students have completed the topic on 'The Earth' where they learned about rock formation and the different types of rocks, also about weathering and the rock cycle.

As an extended creative project task, students were asked to create a model on a natural disaster, such as a volcano. There were many wonderful creations, some of which you can see below.

Not only did the students work hard on producing these detailed models of volcanoes, but many also demonstrated a full volcanic eruption in class! The results were magma-nificent with lots of colourful lava.

Well done Year 8!

Miss Nikki Uhure