Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 April, 2018

Year 5 trip to Memento Park

Year 5 trip to Memento Park

On 18th April 2018, Year 5 went on a field trip to Memento park on the outskirts of Budapest. Memento Park is a park where statues that the Hungarians rejected were placed. The first sight was a copy of Stalin's boots

Year 5 trip to Memento Park Year 5 went on a field trip to Memento park on the outskirts of Budapest.

On 18th April 2018, Year 5 went on a field trip to Memento park on the outskirts of Budapest. Memento Park is a park where statues that the Hungarians rejected were placed. The first sight was a copy of Stalin's boots

Around the back were other bits of statues. There were two parts that may not have been so distinct but there is a road that separated the statue of Stalin's boots and the Museum. In the Museum gates there was a Trabant, which is a type of car. We were allowed to separate from our assigned teachers and then I drew the statues and if you looked close enough there was a star in each statue. My favourite statue was the statue of many soldiers that were made of steel. I found out the Museum was made by Eléd Akos. Some of the distinct people in the statues were Lenin, Karl Marx, Engels and Munnich, Stalin's boots were important because it was a symbol of the revolution in 1956. There were 41 statues around the park.

Rayne Kosmac-Okwir Year 5 Wave student

What other students said:  
“I liked the  person who was holding the piece of fabric and running,” said Yuening Tong.
“I liked the soldier holding the flag,” said Thomas Shelley.
“My favorite was the statue with lots of soldiers,” said Savelij Fedin.