As you may already know, BISB is helping a school in Senegal, Les Cajoutiers. Each year, various activities are organized throughout the year to collect funds. However, the Senegalese school is currently struggling financially. The number of students is growing, and they do not receive enough donations to cover the cost of the canteen.
Every day, they are providing the children with a healthy and balanced lunch, made of rice, vegetables and fish or meat, to ensure that they get the nutrients they need to grow and be more resistant to illnesses. This is especially important as a lot of families cannot afford to feed the children properly. The cost of the canteen is now 4664€ a month, which the school is struggling to cover.
As a result, they are forced to consider closing the canteen and finishing the school day at 1pm to allow the children to (maybe) have lunch at home.
The help is therefore urgent as they will need to make a decision soon.
If you would like to help out Les Cajoutiers to provide lunch to the 700 or so children, please send them a donation.
Their bank details are as follow (you can send it to any of these countries), as stated on their website:
•Belgique: BNP-Parisbas-Fortis n°001-5798682 01 IBAN : BE43 001 5798682 01 -SWIFT : GEBABEBB
•France: Société Générale Les Cajoutiers France 3000302363 00050065851 66- BIC:SOGEFRPP
•Sénégal: SGBS Les Cajoutiers Mbour. IBAN SN20011090641400552537094 -BIC/SWIFT SGSNSNDA. Please add 12€ to cover the costs of the transfer from abroad.
Please make sure you include your email address in the bank statement so that they can thank you.
Thank you in advance for your time and support.
Following the postponement of Journey’s End before Christmas, we are pleased to announce the new dates.
Year 9 have been showing their green fingers/thumbs by trying to germinate cress seeds under various conditions, to see what is important for the seed growth.
There was more basketball on Saturday. This time our U14 Girls A and B teams had their DVAC Festival here at BISB.
The British International School Budapest
1037 Budapest
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