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News image thank you assembly Blog | News | School News
Tanzania Project
Our students are back to school form an amazing trip from Africa. They spent their last week with helping in Tanzania. Exploring Africa's life was a life-changing adventure for everyone who participated in the expedition. Renovating a classroom, building a library and making new friends our students and teachers have had a fantastic experience. The service work was not only an incredible adventure but a great opportunity to learn more about how people can contribute eachothers life. Service work is an importnat part of our education students can grow personally, improve their self-confidence and social understanding and children are able to develope their skills of working together sharing tasks and roles.
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News image ISTA logo Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News
ISTA is over but not forgotten
Our whole school community pulled together to mount the first ever ISTA Drama Festival at BISB last week. The scale and complexity of organising such an event necessitated students, teachers and parents pitching in to do their part. None of this would have been possible of course without the help of our wonderful host families, cleaners, bus drivers, cooks, admin staff and technical gurus. It truly was a joint effort.
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News image tanzania website 1 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News
Tanzania Expedition 2015
Our Students are preparing for the Tanzania Expedition with foundraising and other activities...
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News image tanzaniatents Blog | Featured | School News
Tanzania Expedition 2014
Interested in helping others? Keen to experience different cultures? Be part of the Tanzanian Expedition! This is your chance to help make a difference!
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News image BISB_Grad__0083 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | School News
Excellent IB Results!
Congratulations to our Class of 2014! Our graduate IB students at the British International School, Budapest shine once again in their IB examinations, gaining outstanding results.
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News image 006 Blog
International Schools' Poetry Competition
Last Friday, eight BISB students represented our school at the 8th International Schools’ Poetry Competition, held at the Britannica.
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News image ibscholarship Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
IB Scholarship 2014
We are offering up to two fully funded scholarship places starting in the academic year 2014/2015 at The British International School, Budapest for the two-year International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme for up to 2 outstanding students aged 15-18, worth over 30,000 Euros.
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News image makeymakey Blog
Makey Makey Stairs in Action
This week our students have created a Piano Staircase using a laptop, a device called the makey-makey, speakers and aluminum foil, connected to create a circuit.
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News image senegalboy Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Buy a Brick for Senegal
As you know, the students going to Senegal this year will be building a school for deaf children.
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