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Early Years children taking part in the BISB Creative Writing competition
The Early Years children have been ambitious by creating stories for the BISB Creative Writing Competition.
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Steve Dunn, our Juilliard Curriculum Specialist visited us this week.
We were very excited to welcome Steve Dunn our Curriculum Specialist back to school to see what the students of BISB have been up to.
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TEAM BISB attended two DVAC sport events
Our freshly formed U14 Boys Basketball team won 2/4 games, displaying outstanding effort and true grit over the course of the whole DVAC Festival.
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The BISB Community Links Charity Fair
The BISB Community Links Charity Fair will be held on Thursday 1 February 2018, 4-6pm in the school dining room and atrium.
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MUN Club team took part in ECOSOC conference
Our MUN (Model United Nations) Club took part in a one day Economic and Social Council conference, organised by the Inter-School Coalition and hosted by the American International School of Budapest.
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Mr Jackson’s Year 8 class shined shoes to raise money for the Tanzania Expedition 2018
When Mr Jackson noticed some dirty shoes in his class he had no idea it would lead to a fundraising venture.
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ENASA Basketball Tournament
On 8th and 9th December, BISB hosted the annual ENASA Basketball tournament in our new sports facilities.
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Baking for a Good Cause
8EWA raised over 65,000 HUF in an amazing fundraising effort.
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We are the Champions!
Team BISB were all conquering at last week's ENASA tournament
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News image HOBSONS CHOICE w TEXT FINAL POSTER 003 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
English Play - Hobson's Choice
Get your tickets for this year's English Play in the new Theatre.
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Girls Football - a successful season
This has been a successful year so far for all age groups. This is due to the hard work of the present squad and the momentum built from previous years.
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ENASA is here!
Friday 24th and Saturday 25th November see The ENASA U19 Sports Tournament in Budapest
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