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News image homework Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
I imagine most parents and teachers can remember the days of being at school. While we eagerly watched the clock slowly inch towards the bell that would signal the end of the lesson, it was often at this time our teacher then said that dreaded word…homework!
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News image 20180911Screen Shot 20180911 at 133346 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
David and Hanna Halasz in Erkel Theatre Billy Elliot performance
Congratulations to the Halasz siblings: our students, David Halasz in Year 8 and Hanna Halasz in Year 7, performed in the recent Erkel Theatre performances of Billy Elliot. Hanna started in Billy Elliot this year as Tracey Atkinson while David performed Michael last year and Billy this year.
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News image DSC_5266 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | School News
Year 3 student Laura Ivanka wins International Gracia Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics
Year 3 Daffodil student Laura Ivanka won last weekend the International Gracia Cup in all routines (free W.A. and Hoop), therefore she won the all-around title and a gold medal.
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News image IMG_3132011280x853 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Choosing A School | Featured | School News
IB Diploma Programme students at BISB enjoy excellent results for the 2017/18 academic year
Students of the British International School Budapest have once again achieved strong results in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. BISB’s initial average score this year is 2½ points higher than the IB global average, maintaining the gap between ourselves and other IB schools around the world.
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Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits
This was the action packed Year 6 performance in the theatre last week.
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News image 20180614171419_IMG_4279012607x1738 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Sing and Move Concert
On Thursday 14th and Friday 15th June students from  the Sing and Move Club hosted their concert.
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IB Graduation 2018
On Saturday 26th May,  the Class of 2018 were honoured and celebrated at the British International School Budapest’s graduation ceremony.
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News image volcano1 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Volcanic eruption in Year 8 Science class!
This term for Science in Year 8, the students have completed the topic on 'The Earth' where they learned about rock formation and the different types of rocks, also about weathering and the rock cycle.
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News image IMG_1186 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Year 4 Rainforest assembly
Year 4 Grape and Plum performed their rainforest assembly to their parents in the school theatre on Friday 18th May. Their assembly focused on the story of the great kapok tree: a tree in the Amazon that supports a myriad of life.
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