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Health and Wellbeing – Fruit & Vegetables: The Rainbow Challenge
Keeping things simple is key to improving our health and wellbeing in 2019.  Of course, as our previous issues have focused on, this can take the role of getting and staying physically active.  What we should not underestimate, however, is the impact of the food and drink we consume in helping us achieve and sustain personal targets.
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Coin race report by Katie Veres
We had our coin race on Friday 8th February. Everyone worked together to lay the coins out onto the school running track.
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Winners of Creative Writing Competition
The winners of our Primary Creative Writing Competition were announced last Friday during our Top Dog assemblies. The judges had a very difficult time deciding on the winners due to the wonderful writing on offer!  However, a decision had to be made and the winners received a book voucher for the PTA book fair which will be held during Book Week on Thursday 7th March. The winners of the Key Stage 1 competition and scribed story categories will be revealed this week.
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ENASA U19 News
The long awaited ENASA Basketball weekend finally arrived. 21 athletes from BISB participated in the season’s main tournament organised for U19 students. The very early departure from school was followed by a quick and quiet bus drive to our sister school in Bratislava, Slovakia.
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News image tanz2 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Choosing A School | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News | Secondary School
Kilimanjaro conquered! - Sponsored climb in aid of the Tanzania Expedition 2019
On Saturday 19th January, 18 BISB students climbed the height of Africa’s tallest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro, to raise money for the Tanzania Expedition 2019. Students asked friends and family to sponsor them in this challenge and the amount raised was close to 500,000 HUF.
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News image student Blog | category11 | Featured | Home Learning Support | Posts From Our People | Secondary School
Questions – The Source of all Knowledge?
What do you remember about your days in the classroom? Your fellow students? Teachers? Questions? Probably questions, lots and lots of questions, as it is essential to any learning to start with a question to which you want to know the answer. Questions are not just for the classroom though, as Einstein said, “The important thing is to never stop questioning”. Teachers are in a very privileged position of using and responding to questions as part of their daily work; we never stop questioning.
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News image R photos060 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
A busy time in the Performing Arts Department!
It has been a busy week in the Performing Arts department with multiple events and visits from The Juilliard School.
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News image Munn Headshot  Smile Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News
Juilliard Alumnus Andrew Robert Munn visits BISB
Next Monday 28th January we have our first Juilliard alumni visitor of the year. Andrew Robert Munn is a bass singer who completed his graduate studies at The Juilliard School in May 2018 and is now based in Berlin.
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Year 12 Biology students' DNA project
The Higher Level Year 12 Biology students were given an extended project challenge to complete just before the Christmas break. This project was designed to allow students to combine their creative and artistic skills with scientific knowledge.
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News image mario2 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Year 12 Hungarian students' theatre experience
As part of their World Literature studies, our Year 12 Hungarian students have been learning about Thomas Mann. He was a German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist and the 1929 Nobel Prize winner in Literature. His highly symbolic and ironic epic novels are noted for their insight into the psychology of the artist and their intelligence.
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Winners of BISB Mascot Logo Competition
More than 50 creative and inspiring drawings from students and staff were submitted by the deadline in November for BISB’s Mascot Logo Competition.
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News image IMG_7995 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News
Year 1 students had some winter fun in Kiscelli Woods
In Hungary we are able to experience all four seasons. This is perfect for the Year 1 Science topic of ‘Seasonal Changes’.
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Secondary Performance: A Doll's House
Last week on Monday and Tuesday, a talented group of students performed 'A Doll’s House' by Henrik Ibsen to over 120 members of our community. After the triumph of Hobson’s Choice last year, this year the drama was set in 19th century Norway.
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