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News image IMG_3062 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
Year 1 Grasshopper had a packed week!
We are very proud of Year 1 Grasshopper students for all their hard work and enthusiasm this week during their Virtual School learning.
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News image Tesla Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
The Financial Times
Jay Kaulaouzos is the Financial Times advocate here at BISB.
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News image image025 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
Knit-A-Snood Project
This year our Primary students are excited to get involved in our annual knitting project.
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News image Movember_301 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Mo Bro's of BISB
The Movember charity campaign started this week with awareness, donations and staff moustaches growing across the school.
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News image IMG_2846 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
Year 1 children enjoyed a visit from Ms Ildi Tóth to give an update on the two gerbils that were in the Early Years Centre last year.
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News image DYR_4003 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
GC 5K Running Race Results
Although we are still waiting for the global results to be announced, we are pleased to share our in-house times and placings with the community.
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News image News Default Image Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
The CCA Scene October 2022
This week we were pleased to introduce two brand new student-led CAS CCAs in Secondary school.
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News image Business growth 1  Yang Y_1 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
Business Growth
Year 10 Business Studies class showed excellent creativity and ambitious use of new software.
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News image IMG_1199_1 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
House Football Tournament Report
In the first week of October Key Stage 3, 4, and Sixth Form were engaged in a fierce, but friendly competition in our House Football Tournament.
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News image IMG 2 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
Girls' Football
Our Girls U19 footballers took part in an in-house fixture on Tuesday 13th October. The teams were run brilliantly and kept in order by their player-coaches, Sharon and Dorci (Shaza United and FC Dorci).
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Global Campus – ‘We learn better, together’
We are part of a huge family of schools worldwide and through Global Campus there are so many ways in which we can connect with each other.
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News image 5W 10b News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Global Campus 2km Results
Last week BISB took part in the Global Campus 2km Run Challenge with more than 270 students and staff participating in the event.
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News image News Default Image Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
CAS experience for Alyssa, Sarah and Ena
Continuing our series on CAS 3 more of our IBDP students share their experience.
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News image languagesweekscot News | SecondarySchool | Secondary School
World Languages Week
This week students have been celebrating the multilingual nature of our school community!
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