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Year 11 Hungarian Field Trip
Our Year 11 Hungarian group recently went on a field trip to Eszterházy castle in Fertod, which they often refer to as the Hungarian Versailles!
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Movember 2021 - Week 2
The cold weather is affecting everyone, but the furry upper lips of the Mo Bros of BISB have kept them warm! We are now nearly three weeks into Movember and 'Mo'gress is strong!
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Boys' U19 DVAC Football Varsity Tournament
The Boys' U19 Football Team had a fantastic DVAC Varsity tournament on Saturday at AISB, displaying tremendous heart and fighting spirit throughout.
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CAS Showcase November 2021
The Tanzania club has been a big part of my CAS journey. Not only has it been a treasured experience, I've also learnt a lot and had some great memories along the way. I explored the culture in Tanzania and tried to raise more awareness in our school community.
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Introducing Equilibrium!
Equilibrium is a group focused on equality, diversity and inclusion throughout our school. We are a student-led team with the additional support of Ms Rhodes and Mr Turner.
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News image 1 Week Mo 2021 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Movember 2021
The Mo Bros of BISB have continued their journey to raise funds and awareness for Movember over the last week. The tag line of ''Whatever you grow saves a bro'' has encouraged our Mo Bros to persist despite Mo's being hidden behind facemasks. Here is the ''1 Week Mo'' update of the Mo Bros of BISB.
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Year 6 Y.E.S Project
In Year 6, we have been working on the Y.E.S. (Young Entrepreneur Scheme) project, where we have all been divided into 13 ‘companies’. We elect a group leader, create a company name and then design and make a product to sell.
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News image U19 team AISB Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Girls' U19 Football
It has been a really good season this term, one filled with many training sessions and our first games in well over a year. The girls have risen to each challenge and performed to the best of their abilities, applying different skills and new formations on a full-sized football pitch.
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Maths Week Primary
This week was Maths Week for students in EY and Primary. The theme of the week was famous mathematicians, where we focused on a different mathematician and area of maths each day.
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U14 Girls' DVAC Football Tournament
On Saturday the 6th November the U14 Girls’ football team were involved in their first tournament in over a year. We were fortunate enough to be able to take two teams to the DVAC Tournament, with students ranging from Years 7-9. The girls had been looking forward to this event and showed ambition and resilience, playing more than 120 minutes of football.
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News image Judges Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Sustainable Development Goals Debate Club
This week, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Debate Club held a heated debate related to Global Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities. Both teams, having spent several weeks preparing, presented well-researched cases, and informed, persuasive arguments in a very close-run contest.
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News image Grape Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Year 4 Visit to Aquincum
Last week, to help start our new topic on The Romans, Year 4 students visited the old Roman town of Aquincum.
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Year 7 Chromatography
As part of their ongoing topic on Particles and Separation Techniques, Year 7 took a look at chromatography. In simple terms, this is the separation of the individual colours in inks using water
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Year 7 Drama - Movement & Mime
This week, Year 7 have started using trestle masks to explore exaggerating expressions and characterisation through movement and mime.
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Year 8 Poetry October 2021
Year 8 students have been studying Romantic poetry in English. Inspired by the work of William Blake, they have written and illustrated their own ‘Songs of Innocence and Experience’.
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