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Year 10 Art students' charcoal drawings
Year 10 IGCSE Art students are working on Natural Forms charcoal drawings in response to photographs by German naturalist Karl Blossfeldt. The drawings show the fantastic progress their drawing skills have made since September. Look out for them displayed around the school!
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News image boy on stage2 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Choosing A School | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News
Maths Week 2018
Monday got off to an exciting start with the launch of the BISB Maths Week Code Breaking competition. At the time of writing, over 248 different entries have been received from staff, parents and students and the level of ingenuity shown has been absolutely outstanding. The winners of each of the three categories will be announced at the beginning of next week, along with the solution to each of the five codes.
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News image DYR_1567 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News
Annamaria Abari races in her BISB sponsored car
Last Sunday, Mr Dyer and Miss Ford travelled to Kakucs to watch one of our Sixth Form students engage in her passion - motorsport! Annamaria Abari in Year 13 is a keen driver and has even had her own personal racing car spray-painted and decorated with our school logo.
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Year 12 &13 IB Spanish class creates display about ‘Dia de Muertos’
Our Year 12 and 13 IB Spanish students celebrated ’Dia de Muertos’ in class. They prepared two attractive boards full of colourful pictures about celebration and traditional festive events that take place on 1st and 2nd November.
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Conratulations to winners of our Paul Delaney drawing competition
Congratulations to the winners of our Paul Delaney competition. All drawings were inspired by Paul Delaney's poem, "All the world’s a stage!" written for the children of our school.
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News image Franci movement Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
ENASA U19 Football Tournament in Prague
Congratulations to both TEAM BISB Girls’ and Boys’ Football teams who attended the ENASA U19 Football Tournament in Prague last weekend. The girls won the competition and the boys were placed third. Below are summaries of the tournament by our coaches.
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Year 3 students visit Bonbonetti factory 2018
As part of their new Topic unit, “Chocolate,” the students from Year 3 visited the Bonbonetti chocolate factory on the Pest side of the city. Once there, the students were treated to a wonderful experience.
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