Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 September, 2024

Inspiring belief and self-esteem: how we build confidence in our students

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At TBS Warsaw we offer a truly global experience with outstanding teachers and exceptional learning opportunities. Our students achieve academic excellence and develop the skills they need to make a difference in the world outside the classroom.

Studies show that confidence is one of the most important attributes a child can possess.

Self-confident children are better equipped to overcome challenges, form positive friendships, and grow into happy, prosperous adults. Research even suggests that confidence is the biggest factor behind academic success in school – more so than intelligence.  

Our goal at TBS Warsaw is to shape generations of creative, successful, and resilient global citizens, who are ready to change the world for the better – and we know that building self-confidence is fundamental to this. So, what exactly is confidence? And how can we build confidence in our students?


What is confidence?

Confidence is a belief in yourself, your skills, and your ideas. It’s trusting your own abilities, qualities, and judgements. It’s also about being brave and trying new things, even when they’re outside your comfort zone.  

Confident people are generally positive. They’re also comfortable with who they are, and they inspire others with their self-assurance.


What does confidence look like in school? 

In school, confidence manifests itself in many ways. These range from volunteering an answer in class to proactively seeking out new experiences and activities. Confident students are more likely to take risks, express their creativity through classroom assignments, and invest in the work they produce. 

Students with self-confidence are also better equipped to bounce back from setbacks, and willing to try new things and fail. They also tend to be more engaged in school life.


Confidence is something you can learn 

Confidence isn't something a person is born with; it’s a skill to be mastered, an art to be perfected over years of learning.  

It’s also possible to be confident in some scenarios and not others. A child who loves sport may be confident in PE lessons but less assured when answering a maths question. Being self-confident doesn’t necessarily mean being ‘outgoing’, either – children who are quiet or shy can be confident, too. 

Confidence isn’t about being flawless or having all the answers. In fact, being self-confident means recognising strengths and embracing imperfections with a positive mindset. 


Why building self-confidence is important for students

The role confidence plays in a young person’s life is highlighted by several science-backed studies. 

Research shows that students with greater self-confidence are more willing to learn and challenge themselves. In fact, confidence has been cited as the leading predictor of academic achievement. This is particularly true in subjects such as English, maths, and science, where confidence has long-term, positive effects on success.   

When children are confident and secure about who they are, they’re also more likely to have a ‘growth mindset’. This means they’re motivated to seek out new experiences and learning opportunities. They’re also more likely to ask for help when they need it.


How to build confidence in students: the TBS Warsaw approach

We want every child to feel confident in their own abilities. We also want them to be comfortable with who they are as individuals. This way, they’re more likely to succeed, both academically and personally.  

So, how do we go about nurturing confidence and self-esteem in our children?


By creating an aspirational environment 

We know how important it is to provide an environment where every student can excel – a place where everyone feels comfortable and supported. Our campus is home to students from more than 60 countries, our vibrant international community supports and challenges each other to achieve great things. This creates a dynamic atmosphere where confidence flourishes and students truly believe in their abilities.


By focusing on health and wellbeing 

Our commitment to British academic excellence is underpinned by a focus on student health and wellbeing. From our comprehensive personal, social, health, and economic (PSHE) curriculum to the very best pastoral care, our students have all the support they need to build confidence and develop a real sense of self.


By delivering a holistic education 

The education we offer at TBS Warsaw is designed to nurture every aspect of our students’ development. Alongside academics, we offer experiences that develop vital social and emotional skills, attributes, and values. This creates well-rounded, confident individuals with a passion for learning.


By offering confidence building activities

Through engaging activities and once-in-a-lifetime adventures, our students build the confidence and resilience they need to make their mark on the world. We encourage our learners to discover their passions and interests, believe in their abilities, and seize new opportunities, too. 

Confidence-building activities include:

  • Global, regional, and local expeditions, which expose our students to different cultures, people, and ideas. These enriching opportunities – which include a citizenship expedition to Tanzania and our Space Camp – build confidence and independence, as our young people spend time away from home, form strong bonds, and enjoy new experiences. 

  • More than 150 extracurricular activities, which enable our students to do what they love and discover new talents. These include our sports teams, which keep our children fit and healthy, and give them outstanding opportunities to grow in confidence. 

  • Community service opportunities, which demonstrate the impact a person or people can have on others. From The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award to our collaboration with UNICEF, hands-on opportunities to effect change show our students they can achieve anything. 


The positive impact of building self-confidence in students

As our students’ self-belief and confidence grows, they truly begin to realise their potential. They’re more focused in class, and complete coursework and exams to the best of their ability. They’re also more engaged in the myriad of activities and opportunities we offer here. 

This ensures our children achieve great things – and go on to create their own futures when they leave us. 

For more information on how to build confidence in children, please get in touch with us at


There’s a whole world of learning beyond the classroom at TBS Warsaw. No matter your child’s interests, their passion will be channelled into truly meaningful activities and adventures.

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