28 June, 2022

Message from our Head of Primary - June

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As we come to the end of a successful year at TBS, there have been many highlights for the whole school community from learning in the classroom, to sporting events, trips and special events such as International Week.

I know that the students will all have their individual favourite part of the year which they will keep as a special memory of this school year.  Some of these memories could come from a trip that they have been on, IPC exit points, the international fair and learning experiences in their classroom.

The students also enjoyed dressing up as a character during Book Week. They were enthusiastic to read new books and were really engaged in the activities throughout the week.  I know there has already been excitement about the events of Book Week next year!

As Year 6 move into the Secondary school, we must recognise the successes they have achieved this year.  Through their hard work and effort and excellent support from their teachers, they achieved great progress in all areas of the curriculum.  Well done to all the Year 6 students, they have proved that you can achieve great things when you are willing to put in the effort.

I would like to thank all of the teachers and learning assistants for their commitment this year to ensure that the students enjoyed their learning, made progress and experienced new activities and trips.  

We also have some students leaving us and hope that they take some lovely memories and learning experiences with them.  We wish them lots of luck in their new schools and hope they enjoy making new friends.

Thank you to you as parents for your support throughout the year to ensure the year could be such a success for the students.

It has been great to be able to be back to more normality after term one this year and we look forward to continuing into the next academic year.  I look forward to welcoming the students back to school in September for another exciting year of learning and new experiences.

Wishing you a relaxing summer break,

Joanne Prabhu

Head of Primary