10 June, 2022

How can Parents be involved in their Children's Education

How can Parents be involved in their Children Education - How can Parents be involved in their Children Education
This can be described in various ways such as parent investment in the education of their children.

It can be seen as parent obtaining information about their children's academic growth and participation in school. It can be viewed as regular supervision from parents on homework and having good contact and relationship with the teachers or parents talking to their children about learning on a regular basis and even working with children on their work.

There have been various studies that highlight the advantages of parents being involved,  Fan and Chen (2001) found that parent involvement had a positive influence on student academic success. Reading at home, and parent involvement with speaking to the children about their learning helps to achieve better academic outcomes. Parent involvement helps students better understand the concept of academics, which is important when it comes to academic success.

Moreover, when parents get involved research shown that they make a contribution to their children’s emotional development and behaviour, well-being social skills and even school attendance .

Alternatively, there is research to suggest that parent involvement has little or sometimes negative influence on students. This is particularly true when parents support student's with homework and end up doing it, meaning very little student learning. Pressure of achieving, wanting children to follow in their footsteps and comparisons to what other students achieve, puts added pressure. While parental involvement helps to develop social skills, it is important to let students take responsibility,  especially as they get older and become young adults ready to go into the world of work or further education. Parent involvement here by encouraging their child to find a solution with support helps to further develop social skills.

The importance of parents being involved in education is critical in ensuring students feel supported and encouraged to work hard and make progress.  Celebrating steps of progress also raises self esteem and shows that their progress is recognised.

At TBS Warsaw, our parent community is very supportive to support the academic and personal growth of the students.  This strong home-school partnerships supports the students to achieve excellent academic results.

Neeraj Prabhu

Head of IBDP