09 June, 2022

Biology Challenge Success

Biology Challenge Success - Biology Challenge Success
Recently a group of Year 9 and Year 10 students took part in the Biology Challenge.

This is an international competition which is open to students aged 13 to 15 and administered by the Royal Society of Biology. Over 41,000 students from 550 schools worldwide took part in this year's competition.

The questions are set on the school curriculum, but the competition also rewarded those students whose knowledge of the subject has been increased by reading books and magazines, watching natural history programmes, taking notice of the news media for items of biological interest, and are generally aware of our natural flora and fauna.

All of the students did superbly well and are commended for their efforts.

Furthermore, Magdalena P., Szymon K., Evgenia N., Arsenii V., Aglaia M. and Maria V. achieved Silver awards (placing them amongst the top 10% of students in the world), and Amelia L. achieved a Gold award (placing her amongst the top 5% of students in the world).

Congratulations to all the students who took on the challenge. All students who have taken part in this year’s Biology Challenge competition are now eligible to a free year of BioNet membership, which provides them with electronic subscription to The Biologist magazine and e-newsletters featuring bioscience-related news and events.

Our Year 12 Biology Students are taking part in the Intermediate Biology Olympiad this week, so I hope to share more successes with you soon.


Peter Ormanczyk

Head of Science