27 May, 2022

Year 6 Exit Point

Year 6 Exit Point - Year 6 Exit Point

Thanks to an incredible turn out from parents and visits from students in other year groups, Y6 students were able to share their learning in an event with a buzzing atmosphere.

As the culmination of our IPC Climate Control unit, the students have been collaborating in groups to research a country that signed the Paris Agreement at COP 21. The countries signing the agreement agreed to act in order to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C in order to avoid environmental catastrophe. As well as understanding and communicating something about the country and its involvement in climate change, the children tried to make suggestions about how to become more sustainable and even to make deals with the other countries present for their mutual benefit.

Year 6 Exit Point - Year 6 Exit Point

Year 6 Exit Point - Year 6 Exit Point

Year 6 Exit Point - Year 6 Exit Point

Year 6 Exit Point - Year 6 Exit Point

Year 6 Exit Point - Year 6 Exit Point

Over the last several weeks the Y6 students have been learning as scientists and geographers about what is meant by climate change, what causes it and what can be done to prevent it. They have conducted experiments to learn more about energy, researched renewables and investigated a case study of an off-grid Hebridean island.

This is the first Y6 event in a long time that we have felt able to invite parents to safely. Thank you so much to those of you who were able to attend and be part of the buzz.