26 May, 2022

Sport Days in Primary

BSW_Warsaw_Sept 2021_205
The PE department are delighted to be able to invite you to our Primary Sports days this term. 

These will take place on:

Monday 6th June 9.30 - 12 for years 1 and 2

Tuesday 7th June 8.30 - 11am for years 5 and 6

Tuesday 7th June 12.45 - 3pm for years 3 and 4 

Sport Days in Primary - Sport Days in Primary

During the event pupils will take part in a arrange of activities competing to win points for their house, as well as for some individual prizes. These activities will take place either on the Astro turf or the Lewandowski Gym, so please can I ask that your child has their PE kit, a water bottle and a hat/suncream if appropriate. The PTA have very kindly said they will provide watermelons and ice creams like last year, and they will also be running a snack shop throughout the day. Hopefully these will be fun filled sessions, and we look forward to you joining us. 

Caroline Vinent

Head of PE