20 May, 2022

Year 3 Pine Forest School Trip

Are we explorers and adventurers?

To kick start this term, our Year 3 children got to become outdoor experts and learn how to survive in the wild by visiting Pines Forest School. As part of our IPC Entry Point into our new unit ‘Explorers and Adventurers’, we took the children into the forest and Saul and his team taught them about:

  • respecting nature and the environment

  • how to make natural kindling from the bark of birch trees

  • what you need to make a fire using a triangle model

  • how to make a fire using flint and steel

  • the benefits of charcoal

  • how to track moose and beavers by their footprints and markings

  • different plants and their uses

  • how to throw an axe (safely of course – and just to note the teachers did well too!)

The children loved the experience and were able to use it to help them think about what explorers and adventurers might need to know and what skills they need to be able to travel around the world and discover new lands, plants and civilisations.

If you ever need any advice or want to learn these skills, why not ask one of our Year 3 children, who are now experts, to teach you!

Fancy learning these skills to? Would your child enjoy being outside and learning in a different environment? Check out Pines Forest School camps and weekend activities on their website - www.pinesforestschool.pl

Y3 Pine Forest - Y3 Pine Forest

Y3 Pine Forest - Y3 Pine Forest


Y3 Pine Forest - Y3 Pine Forest