Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 April, 2022

Interviewing a person with a disability

Interviewing a person with a disability - Interviewing a person with a disability

Today, children in Year 2 are preparing for their Exit Point which will take place on Thursday and Friday at The Invisible Exhibition. We have had the pleasure of getting to know the management and staff at the exhibition over the past month and today, the children from Bluebells, Buttercups and Sunflowers had the task of interviewing Daria Budna, a tour guide who works there.

You might ask why we have chosen such a focus for our Exit Point - the reason is, it links in perfectly with the science subject block in our current unit, Super Humans. The children have been learning all about their senses, how they work and interconnect with each other and what happens when somebody is either born without the use of a sense or loses the use of a sense as they grow, due to an accident or a disease or simply due to the ageing process. Our interviewee, Daria, lost her vision suddenly and has had a 92% visual impairment for the past five years.

Year 2 did an amazing job of choosing respectful, empathetic questions for their guest on Teams and showed well-developed communication skills as they took turns to ask these questions, writing notes when they heard answers related to their own. Of course, this interview did not just develop empathy and respect as the PLGs but also linked in with EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) as the children became familiar with people with disabilities. We are endeavouring to make differences and impairments more realistic and easier to understand for our children through the EDI team, even in Key Stage One at TBS. 

Interviewing a person with a disability - Interviewing a person with a disability

Interviewing a person with a disability - Interviewing a person with a disability

Interviewing a person with a disability - Interviewing a person with a disability