Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 March, 2022

Pleased to meet you...Malcolm Veitch

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Pleased to meet you...Malcolm Veitch Today we are pleased to meet Malcolm Veitch, who is our Chemistry Teacher.

Today we are pleased to meet Malcolm Veitch, who is our Chemistry Teacher. 

Where are you from originally?

I was born in Lusaka Zambia, but spent most of my childhood in the UK, first in Bristol, then West Yorkshire.

Have you lived in any other countries and what did you like the most?

I lived in the UK, as well as spending a year of my childhood in Bangkok, Thailand. I also lived for a year in Mallorca Spain. I adore Thailand, the food and vibrancy.

What did you study and where? 

Geology with Prehistoric archaeology at the University of Liverpool, An MBA at the University of Quebec in Montreal (the actual program took place at SGH Warsaw), and a PGSE (chemistry) at the University of Sussex

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

Not having to look at spreadsheets all day! I previously worked as a marketing manager. I love the variety teaching offers as a career. Seeing your students getting the grades they worked so hard for is a wonderful feeling.

What are some of the current issues in education you would like to solve?

Over emphasis on exams and grading. I have students who wont get the best grades, maybe their English language skills are not quite as good as others but they will have worked extraordinarily hard trying get there. Also over-emphasis on homework. Kids need time to relax and play too!

What is your teaching style?

As science teacher I do love practical lessons especially when students demonstrate their skills. It is also a great leveller giving students who might not be the best at writing, the opportunity to excel.

Who is your favourite famous figure and why?

Alan Turing – He was a genius, not only for the cracking of the German U-boat enigma codes but for the invention of the first electronic computers. He was treated appallingly which led to his eventual suicide.

What is your favourite thing about living in Warsaw?

I have lived in Warsaw longer than in any other city. It has become my home. I get a sense of familiarity that I get from nowhere else.  

What do you miss most from home?

London. Because it is an amazing city and I think that anyone who ever lived there will miss it.